WOKING’S staff are just servants of the football club, according to the Cards’ media officer Daniel O’Sullivan.

O’Sullivan is part of the team who produce the latest news and content on the Cards’ website and social-media platforms.

He said that his job is to supply a service to the fans – and he explained what happens behind the scenes when creating material, especially about new signings.

He told the News & Mail: “We [the media team] get the message from higher up that a player might be coming in. 

“We work with club secretary Geoff Chapple. 

“Once everything is signed and finalised, we’ll meet the player. 

“We get the photos, and we do interviews. We do specific messages – for example, a fan message from the player or a message for a player’s sponsor.

“We can do quick-fire questions to see the the little things in their character that people might not know about. 

“Another interview idea can also be more in-depth about the football side of things from that individual.

“I know [Woking chief executive] John Katz speaks about it, but we’re just club stewards. We’re just servants. Our jobs serve the fans.”

For the full interview, see the 5 January issue of the News & Mail.