A PLAN to build nearly 190 homes in two developments either side of the Woking FC stadium has been shown to two senior councillors.

The proposals were shown to Simon Ashall, the Conservative deputy leader, and Will Forster, a senior Liberal Democrat, plus the South Woking Action Group (SWAG) by Wayne Gold of GolDev.

GolDev said in a statement that the drawings and proposals were “at an early stage”. They comprise 92 flats on Westfield Avenue in blocks of three to six stories with a convenience store. The other site is on Kingfield Road with similar-sized blocks with 95 flats.

The statement said: “Both sites will be policy compliant in terms of parking and the provision of affordable dwellings.

“Clearly the drawings and proposals are at an early stage and once further progressed, a consultation process will be created to allow a more detailed inspection and this will take place late January or early February.”

Mr Gold told the News & Mail that he hopes to be able to submit formal planning applications by the end of February.

He said he is still intending to proceed with an appeal against the overwhelming rejection by the Woking Borough Council planning committee for a 9,000-seat new Woking FC stadium and more than 1,000 flats in high-rise blocks on adjacent land.

It is understood that this appeal will be lodged as early as next week.

“If we can make the new, smaller, scheme happen, then the appeal will be withdrawn,” Mr Gold said.

Rosemary Johnson, the Woking FC chairman, said the Cards have not been involved in any discussions about the new proposals which are of no benefit to the club.

Mrs Johnson said the intention of the rejected larger plans were to help to develop a stadium up to English Football League standards.

“The club does not support the intent to appeal and the new board met last week and have confirmed this,” she added.

Andy Caulfield, a SWAG committee member, said he was pleased to see that the proposed Westfield Avenue development mirrors that of nearby Willow Reach and believes this has a good chance of receiving planning permission.

However, he added there were potential problems with the second site and that Mr Gold faces a big battle to get both developments approved.

SWAG campaigned against the rejected larger plans and complained that there was not enough consultation with local residents.

“We are happy to engage with any developer and look forward to seeing the details of these proposals,” Mr Caulfield said.