WOKING gloveman Craig Ross believes they have the right attitude to achieve promotion to the Football League this year.

The 32-year-old told the News & Mail: “The majority of the season so far has been positive. 

“We’ve found our feet and we know what our team is about. 

“A lot of new faces came in during the summer. We needed a bit of time to gel, and I think we’ve done that quite quickly.

“To be halfway through the season and sitting in the position we’re in at the minute [the Vanarama National League play-off zone], we’re pleased.

“But we’re not a team who are going to rest on our laurels and think we’ve done the job already. 

“There’s a long way to go yet, and we still want to be higher than where we’re at. And that’s got to be our focus for the second half of the season.”

For the full interview, see the 5 January issue of the News & Mail.