CARDS have completed the signing of defender Jack Parkinson from Welling.

The 22-year-old played 41 games for United last season and scored eight goals, three of which came against Woking.

The ex-Welling skipper said: “I met Garry yesterday, we had a chat and after coming away and sorting a few things out on my work side of things, I was really impressed with the club and the way it was presented.

“The fan base they have is fantastic, it’s a club that wants to do well and wants to push on and it’s a club that matches the ambition that I’ve got as well.

“I don’t like talking about myself too much I’d say I’m predominantly a defender. I played in midfield quite a few times last season, I got about 11-goals last season in all competitions which isn’t a bad return.

“But more than anything I’m a lad that’s enthusiastic, loves what he does and is looking to push on and I feel I’ve made the right move. It’s a great club, with a good fanbase and it’s a club that wants to do well - it fits the bill really.”

The news comes on the same day that Woking announced they had signed Welling striker Loick Pires.

Parkinson added: “Loick is a good lad. He’s young like myself, he’s another one who is ambitious, he wants to do well and he is in the same boat as me.

“I suppose it helps him joining at the same time but I know the lads at Woking will be as good as gold. The gaffer has already said they are a good group and both of us really just can’t wait to get going.

“I was very impressed with the manager, him and Steve Thompson came across very well. He asked my views and at the same time he sold the club very well and that’s what has done it really.

“I want to play for a club that is ambitious and the manager is ambitious as well. Without going over the top, we know it will be hard but we feel we’re going to be quite well equipped by the time we kick-off to have a good go.

“My season ran on a little bit at Welling because of the play-offs so I wanted to get myself sorted. I had eight or nine offers from different clubs in non-league and in the league for next season.

“I wanted to get something sorted quick because I don’t like messing people about - there is nothing worse than people waiting on you and I was a bit paranoid that might happen so I wanted to make the decision sooner rather than later.

“Once I spoke to Garry my mind was made up.

“Every player will tell you it’s nice to play in front of big crowds each week and there will be no better than heading to Luton and the teams that attract big gates. It’s nice to test yourself against big clubs.

“There’s no one in particular that I’m looking forward to playing, but it’s a new challenge of heading to new grounds and new teams - it’s something I can’t wait to get stuck into.”