A SPONSORED 5km walk around Horsell Common is being organised for Sunday, October 1 at 10am to raise funds for Woking Community Hospital.

Among its donations to the hospital, the Friends of Woking Community Hospital are funding dementia-friendly fittings to Alexandra Ward as part of its complete refurbishment, and there will also be new televisions and radios to complete the transformation.

This will help staff with neuro-rehabilitation for patients, many whom have dementia.

The community hospital is in the process of planning a diagnostic hub which will transform tests for some 30,000 patients by having the tests done locally. 

There will be CT and MRI scanners as part of a new wing and the Friends will be supporting this new venture.

To register, visit www.fwchwoking.com, open the charity walk page, download the entry form and return by email with payment to CAF (Charities Aid Foundation).

The cost for adults is £10, and children aged under 16 can enter free with an adult. Entrants are asked to raise sponsorship as well to help fund the hospital’s projects. 

All entrants will get a T-shirt.