A SOLUTION is being proposed for ending the jams caused by cars in the queue to buy takeaways at the McDonald’s “drive-thru” in Woking.

More than 560 people have a signed a petition asking for burger restaurant customers to be diverted off Goldsworth Road, which will allow the other traffic to flow more freely.

Long queues are forming at popular takeaway times on both sides of the roundabout where traffic turns to go to the McDonald’s and the Morrisons supermarket.

Dozens of customers’ cars can cause a blockage at the roundabout, which delays other traffic and people heading for the store and its petrol station.

The solution has been suggested by Horsell resident Lance Spencer, who is a Liberal Democrat candidate in May’s Surrey County Council elections.

His petition to the county council asks for vehicles going to the McDonald’s from the town centre direction to be diverted into Poole Road, which goes from Goldsworth Road to a junction on the dual carriageway leading to the restaurant.

“Putting some signs directing McDonald’s customers into Poole Road would be a simple solution,” said Mr Spencer. “The jams don’t happen all the time, and I’ve no criticism of McDonald’s at all, but the queues are causing long hold-ups and affecting businesses in the area.”

His suggestion is supported by Woking Borough Council deputy leader Simon Ashall, who said: “The build-up of traffic around the McDonald’s drive-thru is frustrating for everyone using Goldsworth Road at certain times of day, and it has been exacerbated by the pandemic.

“The leader of the council and I discussed the issue last week with senior officers. They are currently looking into whether Poole Road could be used, even if only temporarily, to take drive-thru traffic so that the way through Goldsworth Road is clear.”

Mr Spencer’s petition is due to be discussed by the Woking Local Committee, which has county and borough councillors as its members, on Monday 22 March.

The deadline for signing is Thursday 11 March. Visit https://petitions.surreycc.gov.uk/McD-Traffic/