FOUR schools in Woking received donations of £250, as a result of a Martian Race on Horsell Common run by the Woking Lions.

The donations were made through January to New Monument School, Maybury, Kingfield and Westfield Primary Schools.

The children at New Monument school are using the funds for some good quality basketballs and hoops which it hopes will encourage the girls and boys to play collaboratively and develop teamwork skills during their lunchtime break.

At Maybury, where 84% of the school’s pupils speak 20 languages other than English, the donation will pay for a ‘Spelling Shed’ electronic aid, which will help children for whom English is their second language.

Westfield School has used the money to buy items for its nurture group, which include wellington boots and ponchos.

Kingfield Primary school is using the donation to buy board games and art equipment for its lunchtime ‘Friendship Club’, which aims to help children to interact with each other during the break.

For more pictures, get the 27 February edition of the News & Mail