A NEW development in sustainable building, developed to a prototype in under six months from scratch, is behind one local company’s entry into the Going Circular category at the CREST21 Business Awards.

Mayford-based company Sustainable Builds sought to prove that cost effective, durable and aesthetically-pleasing structures are possible.

“Through our bespoke Sustainable Builds, we want to actively promote and increase awareness regarding sustainable building technology,” said founder Ross Clode. “We want to help ensure our environment is protected for future generations to enjoy.

“The beauty of this building is that at its end of life – and a building’s lifespan is a minimum 50 to 60 years – or earlier, if required, is that it can be removed easily with minimum environmental impact on the area it was erected. Furthermore, over 95% of materials that are used in the build can be reused or recycled, leaving a minimal carbon footprint.”

It was decided a combined home office and garage/workshop structure would fit the bill to appeal to the widest demographic, especially relevant with so many people working from home during the pandemic.

“Although this is a relatively small-scale build, the construction methods used make it scalable and commercially viable regarding larger construction projects,” said Ross. “This build utilises a combination of old and new technology to produce something which we feel is unique.”

As sections of the prototype were drawn up, they were distributed among trades and companies engaged for feedback and input.

“Each part of the build was researched and developed from a sustainable viewpoint. Endless research and refinement have taken place to produce what we believe is a unique, sustainable structure,” said Ross. “This building is sustainable from its concrete-free footings to its final finish CO2-absorbing home office paint.”

Visit the company’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Sustainable-Builds-100303868761314/ to see pictures and videos outlining each key stage of the build.