CHOBHAM’S annual fireworks display was again a sell-out, with the village rugby club’s ground packed for an evening of pyrotechnic and other entertainments.

The fun, on Friday last week, began with the judging of the children’s scary fancy dress competition.

As part of their prize, the winners pressed a plunger to launch a rocket that shot into a huge bonfire and set it alight.

The crowd watching the flames was tempted by the delights of the clubhouse bar, food such as burgers and chips, hot drinks, candy floss and other sweets.

Then, as the fire died down, it was time for a fireworks display designed and co-ordinated by veteran rugby club member Steve Edwards.

Steve – a senior firer for Pains Fireworks and a member of the British Pyrotechnics Association – had again set up a stunning spectacle set to music that gripped the thousands of people who attended.

“It was another great evening for us, and another full house, with all the tickets sold,” said the rugby club’s commercial manager, Mike Vandenberg. “The weather was kind and the crowd was fantastic.”

He said the profits from the event go towards maintaining the club’s facilities as well as funding the following year’s display.

FOR more pictures of the event, get the 3 November edition of the News & Mail, in shops now