AFTER a two-year break due to COVID-19, the West End Show returned last weekend with even more participants than usual and around 2,500 people attending.

The organisers, from West End, Windlesham and District Agricultural and Horticultural Society, were delighted with the number and standard of the entries and the turnout on Saturday.

“The show exceeded our expectations, given that we didn’t really know who was going to come along because of the pandemic,” said society vice-chairman Rachel Bennett.

“We believe we had more entries than the last time the show was held, in 2019, and the quality was really good, especially in the handicrafts section. Overall, the show was a huge success and I think people really appreciated the opportunity to get together.”

The stand-out competitor this year was Ann Taylor, who won six first prizes, two seconds and two thirds in of the 12 classes she entered. “Her results were quite extraordinary,” said Rachel.

To avoid crowding in Tringham Hall as a coronavirus precaution, the trophies were displayed and presented outdoors for the first time.

Of the 34 challenge cups awarded on the day, Ann won the Silver Perpetual Bowl for most points in the domestic section, the John Cherryman Memorial Cup best exhibit in the preserves classes and the Eva Durrant Memorial Cup for the best fruit cake.

As in previous years, the show ran a Women’s Institute Cup Competition, on the theme Celebrating Key Workers. Institutes from the area had to choose eight of 10 subjects to exhibit on, ranging from a courgette loaf cake to bunting made from recycled material.

Two trophies were awarded, to Deepcut and Frimley WI for gaining most points as a group and to Bisley WI for the best flower arrangement.

Rachel said the show’s tradition barn dance, held in the main marquee the evening, was also well attended.