A TREASURE hunt has been created around St John’s to encourage families to discover parts of the village they didn’t know existed.

Robin Langdon, the music co-ordinator at St John’s Church, came up with the idea of the treasure hunt – in which people record numbers on visible around the village – after walking around the area during lockdown exercise with his wife Charlotte and baby son Jonah.

“We’ve been here for 10 years and it wasn’t until lockdown that we discovered all the lovely paths,” Robin said.

The treasure hunt uses photos of the area with numbers blanked out. These include shops, road signs and numbers in a cemetery. Participants follow directions and clues and have to collect the numbers in the right order.

All 14 numbers, in the correct sequence, can then be used as a password to log on to a page on the church website to register that you have completed the task.

Anyone who has successfully completed the treasure hunt can be entered into a draw to win a £20 voucher from the Good Book Company, the winner of which will be announced during the service on Sunday 19 July.

Helen and Mark Sankey and their daughters Grace, 5, and Isabel, 2, were one of three families who did a test run of the number hunt for Robin.

“We really enjoyed it. Grace loved finding the numbers and writing them down and Isabel just loved running around with her sister,” Helen said.

“It’s a lovely walk through the woods and along the canal. It takes in the best bits of the village. I would highly recommend it, especially if you have young children.”

For more information, visit www.stjohnswoking.org.uk/numberhunt.

See the 2 July edition of the News & Mail for more