SPECIAL illuminations have been put up at a house in West End by a festive lights enthusiast to raise awareness of the cancer he was diagnosed with this year.

Steven Lomax has made his annual Christmas show even better than usual, with people going to see it asked to donate money to a research charity.

The 37-year-old airport worker was shocked to be told in July that he has stage three bowel cancer.

He has been undergoing treatment for the disease but has still managed to adorn his home in Sarsen Court with strings of lights and illuminated festive figures.

Steven’s partner, Katie Ormston, 34, said he created a Christmas scene every year for his family and neighbours to enjoy.

This year, she and their children – Gavin, Daisy-Ann, Poppy, Jacob and Taylor – had decided to help turn the display into a fundraiser for Bowel Cancer UK.

“We all wanted to get involved and make it bigger and better to raise money for such a good cause,” she added. “We have never done it for a charity before and it just grew and grew.

“People are turning up every day to see the lights and many children keep coming back, as they are really enjoying them.”

There is a collection box at the front of the house, which is in the new estate off Benner Lane, near Holy Trinity School. Katie has also set up an online fundraising page where donations have already nearly doubled the £150 target.

She said Bowel Cancer UK had helped the family get through some dark times since Steven’s diagnosis. They wanted to give something back to support the research carried out by the charity and its campaign to achieve earlier diagnosis of the disease.

Steven, a head loader at Heathrow, is currently off work and hoping to hear that five weeks of treatment in hospital have shrunk his tumour so that it can be removed.

“An operation has not been possible because of the size of the tumour,” said Katie. “We haven’t asked the oncologist for a prognosis. We just want to be told what treatment Steve will undergo and then get on with it.”

The illuminations will be lit up until at least Twelfth Night, Wednesday 5 January.

Donations to Bowel Cancer UK can be made at the house or via www.justgiving.com – search for Katie Ormston and click on Steven’s Christmas Lights.