DOZENS of villagers paraded on a grey, rainy afternoon for Chobham’s Remembrance Sunday event on November 12.

They assembled behind pipers and drummers from Gordon’s School at the village car park to march to the church for a Service of Remembrance, which was followed by the laying of poppy wreaths at the war memorial.

Representatives of local organisations, councillors, veterans, Army Cadets and Scout Group members were among those who took part in the traditional commemoration.

St Lawrence Church was packed for the service, which was conducted by the Vicar of Chobham, the Rev Dan Stork Banks. 

The congregation was silent as the names of village servicemen who died during the two world wars were read out.

The parade then marched back along High Street to the war memorial for wreath laying and a ceremony conducted by Mr Stork Banks.

As participants and the crowd that had watched the procession gathered round, The Exhortation – “They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old” – was read.

Gordon’s trumpeter Charlie Quinnell, 14, sounded The Last Post and Reveille to signal and the start of and the end of two minutes’ silence.

The chairman of Chobham Royal British Legion, Major John Grugan, recited The Kohima Epitaph – “When you go home, tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow, we gave our today” – as the finale to the occasion.

“We were really pleased by the support for the Remembrance commemoration, on a not very pleasant day,” said Major Grugan.

“Our community continues to solidly support the Poppy Appeal and remember all those who gave their lives for their country in conflicts.”