A LONG queue of eager villagers awaited the opening of the 170th Chobham Show on Saturday, as the event returned after being cancelled last year because of the pandemic.

Coronavirus precautions led to entries for several of the classes being exhibited in marquees instead of in the village hall and the troTphy presentations were made outdoors for the first time.

“We were blessed to have such glorious weather for the return of the show,” said Sue Hallam, chairman of Chobham Agricultural and Horticultural Society. “The event was really well supported by visitors, with the queue stretching back along Station Road at one point.

“There were entries in all of the sections across the Show, slightly less than in previous years, but still a very well-supported show.”

The trophies were presented by Sue and society president Brian Barr, who paid tribute to the former chairman, Ian Burnham, who died in May 2020. Ian had given many years of valuable service to the society and its show he said.

Tributes were also paid longstanding committee member Ken Atkins, who died in 2019. His family donated a new trophy in his memory, awarded for the winner of the wine section, Mark Coxhead.

The 2021 show champion was Peter Buckle, who has figured prominently among the winners for many years. He was awarded the Centenary Challenge Bowl for gaining most points across all competition classes.

“Apart from the main show classes, the fun dog show was as popular as ever, with more than 40 dogs entered, and the poultry tent was a big attraction for visitors,” said Sue.

The winner of the most points in the dog show was Helen Carr, with her pet Riggs, and Brian Rideout got the best in show prize in the poultry section.

For more pictures, see the 23 September edition of the News & Mail