THE moving of Surrey County Council headquarters to Woking has been widely praised – but a warning has been issued that the decision has not been finalised.

Last week the council announced that it has decided to move from Kingston, which has been part of Greater London since 1965, to the Midas House office block in Goldsworth Road.

However, Will Forster, who is chairman of the council's Task Group responsible for scrutinising the move, said there was a lot of work to do before County Hall was sold and the headquarters moved to Woking.

Cllr Forster, who is county councillor for Woking South as well as borough councillor for Hoe Valley, said he was pleased at the planned move, which would be a good boost for the town’s economy and reputation.

“The council's Task Group has not scrutinised the plans, so there is a lot of work to do before the County Council moves to Woking and sells County Hall.  These plans need scrutinising to ensure they are value for money.”

David Bittleston, Woking Borough Council leader, said: “It is fantastic news both for Woking and the wider county”.

He added: “The move will be a major boost for Woking, bringing further new and exciting economic opportunities, jobs and making the town busier and more vibrant.”

Paul Webster, from Woking Chamber of Commerce, also said the move would bring more jobs and people to Woking and “will be good for the retailers and good for business generally”.

For the full story get the 7 November edition of the News & Mail