WHEN the credits roll on The Ambassador’s cinema final film on Saturday, it will signal the closure of the venue for a full redevelopment.
Aptly showing Hook, the 1992 fantasy adventure starring Robin Williams which was the first film screened when the Ambassador’s complex opened in the same year, with special ticket prices matching those of 1992 at £3.20, it will mark the end of an era.

“It’s going to be more than just a refurbishment,” said cinema project director Simon Thomsett. “We’re going to strip the whole of the existing building out and start again.”
Including investment from Woking Borough Council and Ambassador Theatre Group, the project marks a significant collaboration as part of the town-wide regeneration. The project will see the cinema closed until summer 2020.
The redevelopment plans include increasing the number of screens from six to seven, a bar and casual lounge areas plus a media room for education, research, archives and meetings. Work is set to begin directly after closing on 28 September.
To hear updates about the project, you can sign up at atgtickets.com/cinema2020.
For the full story get the 26 September edition of the News & Mail