RESIDENTS and anyone who travels through the Pirbright Arch are being asked to support a campaign to improve safety and reduce traffic congestion.

A campaign group is seeking to have a pedestrian phase added to the traffic lights either side of the arch, on the junctions of Dawney Hill, Gole Road, Billesden Road and Connaught Road.

Safe Route Pirbright Brookwood is also calling for a pavement to be built through the tunnel, which goes under the London to Southampton railway line.

The improvements have been suggested by National Highways and have the backing of surrounding borough and parish councils. The matter will be considered by the Guildford Joint Committee, likely to be on 3 March.

The committee, which has county and borough councillors as members, will make a recommendation to Surrey County Council, which will make the final decision.

The campaigners are asking people to sign their petition and make comments, which will form part of the submissions to the joint committee.

They write on their website: “Despite the tunnel being the most direct route for many, which connects to schools, nurseries, shops, parks, the canal and many beautiful countryside walks, there are many safety issues, including crossing the road blind on a bend with no visibility of on-coming traffic on both sides and lack of pavement one side.”

Sarah Dickin, a local resident and one of the campaign leaders, said: “I’ve lived in the local area for over a decade and it’s always been a problem.

“Now, I’m having to walk through it every day with my young children to get my son to school and  I’ve experienced myself how dangerous it is.”