WOKING Lions Club celebrated its most successful charity run on Sunday. More than 600 runners registered for its Martian Race, with about 510 taking part.

The June 30th event, over a choice of either five, 10 or 21-kilometre distances, passed the sandpits on Horsell Common, where the aliens landed in the HG Wells novel The War of the Worlds.

“The income generated that day for good causes was only £1,000, compared with the probability of over £10,000 this year when the running costs have been included.”

Roger went on: “A big thank you is due to all those involved, but we are especially grateful to Horsell Scouts, without whom we would not have had all the tents, and particularly the First Aid set-up, and to Trident Honda for being our sponsor this year and meeting the cost of the unique Martian Medals.”

For more details of the race and results, please visit www.martianrace.org

For the full story and picture spread get the 4 July edition of the News & Mail