A DEDICATED young man is selling homemade lemonade and cakes to raise money for wildlife conservation on Saturday.

Six-year-old Jacob Tang will be setting up a stall outside Knaphill Fish Bar in support of Woking-based WWF.

Jacob, whose parents run the chip chop, has already raised £328 for the charity this year, by rattling a collection box in front of customers.

He aims to increase this amount by tempting people to contributed with freshly squeezed lemonade, animal-themed cupcakes and a guess-the-number-of-pandas game.

Jacob will also be selling bird feeders and bug hotels donated by The Useful Wood Company, made with wood donated by the RSM domestic appliances shop in Knaphill.

He is a pupil at St Hugh of Lincoln Primary School in the village, where he is renowned as a wildlife expert.

“Jacob has always loved animals, right from when he was very young,” said his mum, Soo. “He has seen that animals and our planet are suffering and is very into making the world a lot better.

“He wants future generations to be able to carry on seeing and enjoying wildlife. All the proceeds of his sale will go to WWF.”

The fundraising stall will be outside the chip shop in High Street, Knaphill from noon to 2pm on Saturday.

Donations to Jacob’s fundraising can also be made at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/jacob-tang