RESIDENTS in Horsell may be in a forgiving mood if they’re described as being a bit “potty” this summer as a number have really gone to town on this year’s Flowerpot Festival.
The idea was taken up two years ago by the village events organising committee, the Second Thursday Club on a suggestion by one of its members, Nancy Randall, who said: “Although it was successful last year it didn’t take off in the way it did this year. Horsell definitely rose to the challenge, embraced it and went potty!
"The number of delightful creations that can be spotted around the village this year are amazing and demonstrates what talent and sense of fun we have within the community.”

Free to take part in, the festival has involved locals making flowerpot creations to display in their front garden, shop window or forecourt. The festival officially comes to an end on 31 August, although, one household kept their flowerpot display all year following the last festival.
“We had wonderful support from some of our local shops, traders and pubs as well as local schools and St Mary’s Church,” said Nancy. “The variety has been incredible from octopus to jelly fish, from to lemurs to pandas, from kings and queens to crowns and minions as well as village people, birds, bees, cats, dogs, robots and aliens in spaceships to name but a few. There were funny ones, quirky ones, cute ones, clever ones and imaginative ones, everyone had a favourite.”
The STC printed an online map, with a tick list so that families could hunt them down in the school holidays. For more information please go to