A JAUNTY song in praise of Pyrford is helping to raise money for Woking Hospice.

The Pyrford Song by Ian Wishart has raised £1,800, split between the charity based in Goldsworth Park and NHS Charities Together.

It has been viewed nearly 6,000 times on YouTube.

The song, which proclaims that there is “no other place in Surrey that I’d ever wanna be,” was already a local hit, having been written a couple of years ago and sung at various venues by Ian and Mark Hanington in a pub singalong style similar to Chas and Dave.

It has been heard at the popular Pyrford Flower show, which is credited in the song as being “surprisingly cool” and the Fat Spanner Open Mic Nights at Pyrford Social Club.

Ian, who was an accountant before he took early retirement, plays keyboard as well as bass guitar, drums and guitar with other local musicians.

The Fat Spanner Open Mic Nights are continuing online on the last Thursday every month, with up to 40 videos being sent in.

“I was going to do the song for that, but then decided to do a video and raise money for charity as well,” Ian said.

He put together the video featuring scenes of Pyrford, and surrounding areas, with the help of Matthew Brown.

Ian has been receiving messages of congratulation from around the world as well locals, with people sharing it on social media.

“It’s great to see smiling faces,” he said.

As well as praising various aspects of Pyrford, the song also light-heartedly mocks some surrounding towns and villages.

“It’s all done in jest,” Ian said.

You can see The Pyrford Song (Lockdown Version) by logging onto youtu.be/dBDVfv5jC9c.