WOKING Shopping is calling on the community’s help to assist with a forthcoming Big Knit project.

Willing knitters are needed to create knitted squares from now until Friday 27 March. These squares will form the basis of free knitting workshops around Easter, when they will be made into bunnies.

The bunnies, once complete, will become “Buddy Bunnies” and given out to shoppers during Mental Health Awareness Week in May, in partnership with a local mental health charity. Each Buddy Bunny will have a positive message attached to it, to brighten up someone’s day and spread positivity throughout the Woking community.

But it all needs to start with the knitted squares preparation. Those keen to get involved should cast on 30 stitches and knit until a square is created using a garter stitch and DK size wool, to form squares of approximately 15cm x 15cm each. Then send the squares to Woking Shopping Management Suite, Level 3, The Peacocks Shopping Centre, Woking, GU21 6GH.

Alternatively, squares can be dropped in the donation box located at the entrance to Peacocks at Woking Shopping, between now and 27 March.

“The Easter Big Knit is a fabulous initiative involving multiple facets of the community to create something for such a worthwhile cause,” said Rowen de Grauw, customer experience manager.

“It’s already creating a great feeling of community spirit and camaraderie amongst those already involved, so it would be lovely for that to grow.”

More details of the event can be found at woking-shopping.co.uk/theeasterbigknit.

For the full story get the 5 March edition of the News & Mail