THERE were hundreds of wagging tails and smiling faces at Chobham’s RSPCA centre for its biggest fundraising day of the year on Sunday.

Millbrook was packed with people and a variety of animals, for a day of attractions, entertainment and refreshments.

The crowds turned up in the sun to watch arena events ranging from a farmer who herds ducks as well as sheep to axemen who competed to chop and saw tree trunks into logs.

Also providing entertainment in the arena were members of the Spelthorne Gymnastics display team, with the Shimmy Café Barefoot Dance Fusion company staging a contrasting performance.

Special guests were Britain’s Got Talent stars police officer Dave Wardell and his retired police dog Finn. Finn was badly injured while protecting PC Wardell when a robbery suspect they were chasing attacked them with a knife.

PC Wardell spoke of his successful campaign to get a law passed to prosecute people who harm police dogs, in the same way as those who assault police officers face the courts. The pair got to the final of the TV talent show this year with an act based on the idea that Finn can read minds.

Canines of many breeds and sizes competed in agility competitions and a fun dog show and there was a parade of dogs from Millbrook who are seeking a new home.

For the full story and picture feature get the 5 September edition of the News & Mail