THE man who has kept one of Chobham’s oldest organisation’s finances on track for many years has received the village’s community award.

Colin Wareham is the 2023 winner of the Bill Silk Award, an accolade that recognises continuing sterling efforts in the village.

It is presented by Chobham Business Club, in honour of a much-respected former policeman who donated the shield to be used when his time as a local bobby ended.

Colin is treasurer of Chobham Agricultural and Horticultural Society and was nominated by its chairman, Sue Hallam.

“He has been a committee member since 1999 and for most of those 24 years he has held the position of treasurer,” said Sue.

“Colin is a dedicated committee member, taking on many tasks in addition to being treasurer. He is a very astute treasurer and has used our funds to their best advantage. Because of this, the society is in a good financial position.

“He always goes above and beyond anything he does for the society, which was founded in 1851 and makes a big contribution to the community of Chobham.”

Colin was presented with the shield during a business club dinner at the Blue India restaurant in the village on Wednesday last week.

He has fitted in his “Ag and Hort” duties with regular performances as a member of the Chobham Morris dancers, which he joined 30 years ago.

The group was founded by parents to raise money Chobham St Lawrence Primary and has so far collected more than £35,000 to support the school.

“I was really moved when I heard I was getting the award,” said Colin. I didn’t expect anything like that but I was proud to be nominated.”