Chobham Business Club members and guests presented the 2024 Bill Silk Award at The Sun in Chobham, where an excellent lunch was enjoyed by all.

The award has been given out by Chobham Business Club since 1985 and is presented to a worthy recipient in the village every year after nominations have been received. The Bill Silk Award winner for 2024 was the deserving Rosemary Cobb, chairman of Chobham Care, which she has been running for more than 20 years. She was accompanied by her daughter, Jessica Sawyer. Chobham Care is a service for all the village and is greatly appreciated by all who use it. It was set up and exists mainly to take people to hospital, doctors and clinic appointments, is purely voluntary and helps people who would otherwise have to pay for taxis. Rosemary is fully committed and has a very gentle and tactful manner, which is her strength. She is also very good at signing up new drivers and liaising with other organisations when necessary, as well as doing most of the paperwork. This year nominations for the Bill Silk Award were very much in favour of Rosemary, who had the highest number of nominations received by Chobham Business Club, ten in total. Gill Ballister, who writes for the Chobham Magazine, also deserves a mention. She was one of the founders of Chobham Care some 30 years ago and herself received the Bill Silk Award in 2011.

Chobham Business Club have a lunch or dinner at various member restaurants usually once a month and held their latest lunch at Chobham Golf Club on Friday, April 12.

Anyone wishing to join may contact Alison Chambers on 07881 628057.

For further information visit the club’s website at, although it is currently being updated.