EDEN Greens are a family-run urban farm, specialising in growing microgreens for the local community.

They have set their sights on the Transforming Food category in the inaugural CREST21 Business Awards.

“We are excited to enter the Awards as we really believe in what we are doing and the ability to grow superfood at home. The more awareness we can create regarding living food and the way it can be grown easily in your own home, the better,” said Tracey Holmes-Carter.

“David Attenborough speaks of sustainable farming, reducing space and waste. Urban Farming on vertical racks indoors fits that requirement perfectly, with the added bonus of being a healthy superfood in its natural form.”

Tracey said microgreens are becoming increasing popular for their health benefits and incredible flavour.

“These baby herbs are grown and harvested in less than 14 days, before they develop into mature plants,” she said. “This way all the concentrated nutrients required for the plant to grow are packed into a tiny green that is bursting with pure, vital nutrients that your body and immune system will love.

“For example, eating a handful of broccoli microgreens is equivalent to almost a full head of mature broccoli. So, a great way to get in your daily veg!”

As well as offering their extensive range of microgreens to customers on an individual basis, they also offer kits for people to grow their own.

“The kits are fantastic for children to introduce growing their own food. As microgreens are so quick to grow, from 8-14 days, children can actually see the change happening every day and this creates great interest without having to wait months for their veg to grow,” she said.

She said having as low an impact on the environment as possible was part Eden Greens’ core values, from using low energy LED lights in the climate-controlled growing environment, to growing in a coconut coir medium that is environmentally sustainable. As they grow greens year-round, they can ensure fresh local food is available within Woking and the surrounding areas, ensuring less food miles.

“In an effort to do our bit towards reducing plastic waste, we have pioneered the zero-waste salad jar and offer our weekly customers a reusable glass jar scheme, that entails swopping out the jar each week and replacing with fresh greens,” said Tracey. “This has been well received and our customers take pride and enjoy the no plastic approach to getting their fresh microgreens delivered.”

For more on this local business, visit their website at www.edengreens.co.uk

* THE Surrey CREST21 Business Awards have been founded by the Woking News & Mail, in association with the University of Surrey’s Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) and supported by headline sponsor Surrey County Council.

The first sustainable business awards in the county, they allow every business, large or small, to put themselves in the spotlight and celebrate the contribution they make towards our environment and community.