A BLACK and white cat called Neil is searching for a quiet forever home.

The five-year-old shorthair is being cared for at RSPCA Millbrook in Chobham while he searches for his new family.

Millbrook’s Debbie Pearce said: “Handsome Neil has been with us for a few months. We now feel he is ready to find his forever home.

“Neil was found as an injured stray in London so was taken to our friends at RSPCA Finsbury Park Animal Hospital, and they looked after him until he was ready to move on. 

“During his stay there, Neil had to have an eye removed because it was so badly damaged that it could not be saved. 

“We think he looks rather dashing, although it does mean you have to approach him from one side else he is rather worried.

“Neil is a big worrier. He prefers to hide away for most of the day. 

“However, recently he has started lounging out in the open in his pen during the day, and he even waits at the door for his dinner. 

“But when you go in to spend time with him, he pretty much stays in his safe space and prefers to keep away. 

“The hard work that our volunteers have put in with him has really paid off, as he does come out a bit to take treats and even accepts little strokes – but sometimes even that is too much and he lets us know with a swipe and a hiss.

“Neil is looking for a super-patient family who will give him all the time in the world to settle and who will not expect anything from him. 

“He might take months and months to truly feel at home. And he might always be a cat who is not so keen on being handled, although we think that deep down there is a big softie who likes a fuss.

“So new owners should have no expectations of Neil – just be there for him and give him a nice, loving home where he has all he could ever need.

“Neil must live in a quiet home, with the least amount of things that can cause him upset or stress. So it would be best if he is the only pet in the home, and if there are children they should be older teens.”

If you are interested in providing a home for Neil, visit www.rspca-millbrook.org.uk to complete an application form which will be emailed automatically to Millbrook. 

Remember, though, that application does not guarantee adoption.