This week we did our annual trip to a local farm to select our Christmas tree.  

Over recent years we have taken to choosing from the “less than perfect” section for three reasons: we feel for those trees who might be neglected for not being perfect; you get twice the tree for half the price; and, once decorated, you don’t notice the difference.

This is a picture of how God rescues each of us imperfect people. 

We don’t measure up to what we should be, but Jesus has saved us from destruction by purchasing us in our brokenness, and He clothes us in His perfection. 

Isaiah, looking forward to what Jesus would do, explains: “He has covered me with the robe of righteousness.” (Isaiah 61:10)

As we look forward to celebrating Christmas, let us not forget the central reason for the season – Jesus, God’s gift to humankind. Because of Him, our imperfections are covered, and we can display His light and glory to the world.