WOKING’S very own Captain Tom completed a 24-hour golf marathon to raised money for two local charities.

Tom Wesolowski played at total of 126 holes at Hoebridge Golf Club, where he is the men’s captain for 2020.

He and the ladies’ captain, Jess Howard, chose LinkAble and Woking Age Concern as their charities for the year. The money raised by the golfing feat and other fundraising events by club members will be split between the two organisations.

So far, sponsorship for Tom’s marathon achievement has contributed around £2,600 to the captain’s £5,000 target.

Tom, who lives in Horsell, walked 28 miles on the club’s three courses while playing throughout the day and night. Industrial glow sticks helped light his way during the hours of darkness.

Before teeing off for the first hole on a damp and grey morning, he said: “Given how much I ache after just one round these days, doing this challenge is perhaps not my most sensible decision.

“But, like every charity, LinkAble and Woking Age Concern have been impacted by recent events and need our support, so, I'm more than happy to do my bit and put up with a few aches and pains.”

LinkAble, which was founded in 1989, supports adults and children with learning disabilities and autism in the Woking and Surrey Heath. Woking Age Concern has been supporting the wellbeing of older residents in the borough by offering friendship, advice and information about services for the last 15 years.

To donate to the golf captain’s charity initiative, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/captainscharities2020

For more on this story, see the 23 July edition of the News & Mail, in shops tomorrow