Two young women from Woking raised more than £3,200 for Breast Cancer Now by tackling the London Marathon last Sunday.

Siobhan Straver and sister Ailish took on the challenge after watching their mother, Michele, fight breast cancer for the past year.

“We were both carrying injuries and weren’t sure how much we’d be able to stay together,” Siobhan said. “In the end, though, we stayed together every step of the way, lagging at times but being spurred on by the other.

“At about mile 18 I was really lagging but knowing I had to keep up was quite a drug, and after some rescue Haribo we were back on track. Then we seemed to swap and I spurred Ailish on in the later miles. 

“Ailish’s knee gave her a lot of trouble throughout but she fought through like a trouper. “Running around London was an incredible way to see the city, and our family split up to catch us at different points.

“Embankment and the stretch towards the finish was incredible and emotional. All the cheering and Ailish by my side at the culmination of 30 weeks of training was an outstandingly special experience.

“I feel incredibly blessed to have a body that was able to do today, to have had family and friends cheer us on and the incredible experience of crossing the line together.

“Together we raised £3,221 for Breast Cancer Now and Mum can’t stop telling us how proud she is. To have been able to do this together, for her, has been amazing.”