Woking & Sam Beare Hospice and Wellbeing Care raised a total of over £36,000 at their most glamorous event of the year – the Dove Ball.

Guests arrived at the prestigious Oatlands Hotel in Weybridge dressed to impress in tuxedos and stunning dresses, all set for a memorable evening full of fun whilst raising money for such an important cause.

“It was a wonderful night,” said Siân Wicks, CEO of the hospice. “Our community came together to support our wonderful hospice, which was made even more poignant by a family sharing their story. A reminder of why we all do what we do every day.”

Penny Fortescue and her son Jacob bravely spoke from the heart as they told the story of their daughter, and sister, Jemily, who the hospice cared for in 2020.

Through the hardest time of their lives, the hospice were there to support them every step of the way. 

Fundraising games were played as guests were invited to bid on items generously donated by local businesses and individuals before partaking in the live auction hosted by TV auctioneer Andy Hodgson.

Superb prizes including a tour of the McLaren Technology Centre, a stay at The Dorchester Hotel in Milan, a four-ball at Royal St George’s Golf Club and a Premier Sailing experience. A fabulous last-minute addition to the auction was a five-star stay at the famous Merrion Hotel in Dublin, including flights.

“The live auction was incredibly exciting,” said Felicity Edwards, events manager at the hospice. “We would like to extend our gratitude to Andy Hodgson for giving up his time to host this for us on our special evening.”

Guests also enjoyed the wow factor of the Premier League Trophy, kindly brought along courtesy of Barclays, and the opportunity to have their photograph taken with it.

“We are overwhelmingly grateful to everyone who made this night so special,” said Phil Wormley, director of fundraising at the hospice.

“From all the hospice staff and volunteers who worked so hard to make the Dove Ball the success that it was, to the generosity of businesses who donated prizes for the raffle and auction, to all our guests who came along to be part of this magical night whilst raising funds so that the hospice can continue to provide exceptional care to all our patients in the future.”

The funds raised by the Dove Ball equated to running the hospice ward for more than 108 hours, or 404 visits to patients in the community.