WOKING cyclist Michael Smith has helped to raise £250,000 for research into heart disease by completing a 100-mile ride in the Prudential Ride London-Surrey event on Sunday.

Michael, 59, was one of 500 British Heart Foundation (BHF) Champions to take part, and personally raised £600.

The route took tens of thousands of cyclists from the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, through the Surrey countryside and back to The Mall.

It took Michael six hours to complete the ride, and after crossing the finishing line, he said: “It was a truly phenomenal experience. The sense of comradeship among the cyclists was so uplifting, especially up the more difficult hills.

“I was pretty tired towards the end but the incredible views of London and the excitement coming from the crowds made for an exhilarating atmosphere, which carried me across the line.”

The money raised will go to the Miles Frost Fund, in association with the BHF.

For the full story and picture spread get the 8 August edition of the News & Mail