BISLEY’S famous Tea on the Rec event extended to include the village’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations last week.
The weekly teas at The Pavilion raise funds for a different charity every Thursday afternoon throughout the summer.
“Last week’s ‘Teas’ was truly memorable – dozens of Bisley and West End volunteers worked very hard to make it Bisley’s main Platinum Jubilee celebration and we estimate there were at last 400 visitors,” said Norman Holden, chairman of the Bisley Residents’ Association.
“There were games for the young and not-so-young, the usual giant raffle, tombola, bring-and-buy – and a lot of music, bunting and hundreds of flags.

“The cutting of the beautiful Platinum Jubilee cake was performed by our dear friend Joan, a sprightly 102-year-old, who lives at Elmfield House Care Home in Bisley.”
The event raised £1,715.66 to support the charity Disasters Emergency Committee for Ukraine.
“The amazing people who organised and ran the event are too numerous to name, but we must mention the chairman and members of Bisley Parish Council, the Teas on the Rec team, Bisley and West End Parish Church, Bisley Village Hall, the WI, Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Beavers – the list goes on,” said Norman.
“There were quite a few street parties in Bisley on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Also on Sunday – and displaying that indomitable British spirit of ignoring the poor weather – Bisley marked the Big Lunch by inviting everyone to bring their picnics to the village green.”