A YOUNG wildlife enthusiast’s fundraising efforts have been described as amazing by the charity he is supporting.

Eight-year-old Jacob Tang was praised after beating the previous amount he raised for Woking-based WWF.

This year, the pupil at St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School, Knaphill, has amassed a total of £1,087.50 – more than £300 above his 2021 result.

Most of the money, around £700, came from sales at a homemade lemonade and cakes stall Jacob, family members and friends ran outside his parents’ fish and chip shop in Knaphill on Saturday. Inspired by his efforts, the Useful Wood Company had also kindly donated a number of bird feeders and bug hotels, handmade from recycled wood, to add to his wares. The remainder came from a collection box which Jacob rattled at customers.

WWF-UK bespoke events manager Louise Hall was there to watch Jacob and his helpers attract a steady stream of customers.

“We are incredibly grateful for the work Jacob has done to raise money for WWF,” she said. “What an amazing fundraiser he is, increasing his total from £700 last year to more than £1,000 this year. It’s wonderful to see how passionate he is about nature and wildlife.

“Those like Jacob show the younger generation are growing increasingly aware of the climate crisis and how important it is to protect our fragile planet. Well done Jacob, and keep up the good work.”

Jacob’s mum, Soo Liew, said: “Jacob is on a mission to create a world where humans and wildlife can thrive together.

“We sold an amazing number of yummy treats such as cupcakes, giant cookies and brownies alongside freshly squeezed lemonade. We were greeted with smiling faces from local community members, local churches, local schools and warm sunshine.

“There were also raffles to win a hamper with gift vouchers, WWF soft toy key rings and pin badges, sun hats, beautiful wooden crafts.”

The stall was also visited by St Hugh of Lincoln headteacher Deb Harper, deputy head Catherine Grace, his teacher next year, Mr Davies, and Woking Mayor Saj Hussain.