A COMMUNITY radio DJ has been given an award by a Los Angeles-based record company for her show dedicated to Motown music.

Christine Mabbutt has received an Enthrone Entertainment Honour for her Motown Soul Show on Woking Music Radio and Totally Wired Radio.

Christine, who started the show on Radio Woking seven years ago, has interviewed some of the biggest Motown stars, including The Supremes, Chris Jasper, a key member of the Isley Brothers, and Freda Payne, whose hits included Band of Gold.

The interviews were initially arranged by Greg Hanley, a music producer in LA who was a dancer on the influential TV show Soul Train.

When Greg died suddenly, his role was taken over by Andre Pittmon, who founded Enthrone Records Entertainment.

“Andre put me up for this award,” Christine said.

“I didn’t know about it. I came home from work and saw a package on my doorstep and wondered what it was as I hadn’t ordered anything.

“I then saw it was from Los Angeles and recognised the Enthrone logo. I opened it up and just looked at it trying to believe this had really happened.”

Christine said Andre has invited her to LA and she and her husband Andy, who is also a Woking community radio DJ, hope to go out there in 2024.“Getting this award is absolutely overwhelming,” she said

“I feel very honoured to receive it after years of working hard to provide great music and interviews.

“I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has supported me and my radio show by tuning in and listening and enjoying the music I love. “I don’t get paid for it. I do it all for the love of music.”