The Mayor of Woking, Cllr M Ilyas Raja, Cllr Dale Roberts, the trustees of the Friends of Woking Community Hospital, their relatives and friends met on Horsell Common for a charity walk round its perimeter on the first day of October.

The weather was kind, overcast but unseasonably warm, allowing for the T-shirts sponsored by Seymours estate agents in Horsell to be worn without the need for coats.

“I’m supporting the Friends of Woking Community Hospital” was an appropriate slogan for this fundraising, with every adult having paid £10, and some getting individual sponsorship in addition.

All funds raised will go to Woking Community Hospital as the T-shirts were fully funded by Seymours.

Horsell Common was an ideal place to walk for an hour and a half.

After congratulations and a cheer for the stragglers, all went home ready for lunch.