A TEENAGER is celebrating the broadcast of his first show with Surrey Hills Radio.

Lee Roake, 17, has an extremely rare genetic condition called WAGR syndrome, which has led to him being registered blind. 

“To have my own show has been a dream since I was very young,” Lee said. 

“I started last month and the others will follow on the fourth Saturday of each month, so the next is set for October 28 from 6pm to 8pm. 

“The first one went really well – I was buzzing afterwards. It’s great that Surrey Hills Radio have given me this opportunity and they were brilliant at making everything as accessible as possible.

“It all came about when I received the Coronation Champions Award in May because Sight For Surrey had nominated me for all the volunteering I do for charity.

“This award was given to 500 people in the UK and nearly 5,000 people were nominated.

“Jon Andrews invited me for an interview about the award on Surrey Hills Radio, then one day the Surrey Hills Radio manager contacted me to say they would like to have an informal chat.

“When I went along they offered my own radio show after five minutes of talking to them.

“I choose whatever I want to do on my own show and I even get to choose the guest. We are just going to have some fun, some banter and chat, including talking to some interesting guests and the best music.”

Lee, who lives in Cherstey, is no stranger to the News & Mail.

He recently smashed his fundraising target when he competed in his first triathlon, raising more than £1,100 for the Royal Society for Blind Children by taking part in Superhero Tri – part of the disability sports programme Superhero Series – at Dorney Lake near Windsor.

He chose the society as the beneficiary because he attends its college for the visually impaired, Dorton in Orpington.