A KNAPHILL woman has set up a volunteer group covering the village, St John’s and Brookwood to help the elderly and vulnerable during the coronavirus crisis.

Sonal Sher decided she would like to help those in the local area who were in isolation and put out a call on the Knaphill Community Facebook page for volunteers.

“I got loads of responses from people saying they wanted to help and so I realised I had to do something,” Sonal said.

She first set up a WhatsApp group and this was joined by 150 people. There is now a Facebook group called Knaphill, St John’s, Brookwood Volunteers Group (Covid-19 Help), which has more than 200 members.

This last week, with help from Knaphill Print, the group produced a leaflet, which volunteers are distributing around the area. It contains a helpline number – 01483 380801 – the email [email protected] and the name of the local volunteer.

For the full story get the 26 March edition of the News & Mail