THE Woking-based breast cancer charity Walk the Walk is offering a unique chance for people to join its fundraising team at the New York City Marathon this year.
Entries for runners closed last month, but Walk the Walk, which has been part of the event for 27 years, has places on its power-walking team.
The charity started when Nina Barough and some friends power-walked the race in their bras in 1996 to raise money for breast cancer charities.

Nina has repeated the feat 22 times, with breaks for her own cancer treatment and a pregnancy, and will be leading the Walk the Walk team on 5 November.
The charity is inviting people to sign up now, so they can take advantage of its training plan and monthly payments of the entry costs.
Walk the Walk has raised £137million, which it has given to small charities and research projects. Its main fundraising events are the MoonWalks in London and other cities, in which fundraisers in decorated bras power-walk a marathon or half marathon distance overnight.
The walkers are known as “bra girls” and include some male “honorary bra girls” as part of the campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer in men.
A spokeswoman said: “New York is a big thing for us because it is there that Walk the Walk took its first steps as a charity.
“If people are planning their year of travel, now is a good time for them to be thinking ‘what might I like to be doing in the first week in November? Ah, walking a marathon in New York’.”
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