THE Mid Surrey branch of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association is unable to hold its annual carol service at St Peter’s Church, Old Woking, next month because of COVID-19. 

The service will instead be broadcast online on 4 December at 7.30pm, using the link

It will include all the regular elements of carols, Bible readings from a wide range of supporters, including the Mayor of Woking, Beryl Hunwicks,  interviews  and hymns.

There will also be a video of some young pups to showcase the work of the branch, and the service will finish with a musical number featuring retired dogs and puppies.

“Like so many charities, our fundraising activities have been severely hit this year and we’re hoping to generate some income from the carol service,” said Gillian Light, secretary of the Mid Surrey branch.

“That, though, will be heavily dependent on us being able to connect with the community, but on the plus side the service has the capacity to reach people farther afield.”