MEMBERS of Hoebridge Golf Club raised more than £17,000 last year for two local charities.

The money will be divided between LinkAble and Woking Age Concern to help support some of the most vulnerable within the community.

Men’s captain Tom Wesolowski nominated LinkAble as his section’s chosen charity, and he also took on a 24-hour golf marathon to raise funds.

He said: “While it’s been a challenging year for golf clubs, it pales in comparison with the troubles the charity sector has had to face, both with fundraising and being able to get the job done.

“LinkAble and Woking Age Concern provide a fantastic support and a service to the local community. We are honoured to have been able to help in a small way and immensely proud of the generosity shown by the members of Hoebridge Golf Club.”

Woking Age Concern was chosen by the lady’s section at the club, led by captain Jess Howard.

Shiela McAree, support officer at the charity, said: “Woking Age Concern is a small, local, independent charity and our ethos is to treat all our clients as we would a member of our own family.

“We are a dedicated and enthusiastic team of four, passionate about what we do and proud that everything we do for our clients is free.”

Rhys Parker, fundraising and communications manager at LinkAble, added: “We were delighted to find out we had been chosen as one of the charities to benefit this year.

“Although we feared the worst with bad weather at the start of the year and then COVID-19, the Hoebridge members have raised a fantastic amount. They should be proud of their efforts, and of the captains’ driving force.

“Both charities would like to thank everyone associated with Hoebridge Golf Club for their generosity and support.”

For more information on the work of the charities, visit and