WOKING Shopping has raised almost £500 for its charity of the year.

Sebastian’s Action Trust was nominated as the chosen charity in 2020, but as the pandemic then restricted fundraising Woking Shopping continued to support it throughout this year.

Generous shoppers have contributed £482.38 to the charity by making donations in a coin spinner on Town Mall in Wolsey Place Shopping Centre.

The charity was founded from the last wish of nine-year-old local boy Sebastian Gates just 12 days before his death from cancer in 2003.

It provides respite and day breaks for families of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions at its flagship facility, The Bluebells.

The trust delivers emotional, social and practical support to more than 600 families in the local area. It receives no statutory funding for its services and is entirely dependent on its supporters and sponsors.

Jane Gates, the trust’s CEO, said: “We are thrilled and very grateful that Woking Shopping has raised such a large amount.

“The generosity of its shoppers makes it possible for us to continue providing seriously ill children, young people and their families with the best possible social palliative care services. This support means we can ensure that lives, however short, are lived to the full.”

Rowen de Grauw, customer experience manager, Woking Shopping, said: ‘’We are delighted to have raised £482.38 for Sebastian’s Action Trust. We are grateful to our shoppers for their kind donations and support for such a worthy cause.’’

* FOR more information about the work of the trust, visit sebastiansactiontrust.org.