A WOKING youth football club chairman praised by 1966 World Cup winner Sir Geoff Hurst has appeared in court accused of travelling almost 60 miles to Southampton to meet who he thought was a 13-year-old girl.

It is alleged Lee Swain, the chairman of Goldsworth Park Rangers FC, travelled to Antelope Park in Thornhill, Southampton, after making arrangements to meet a teenager.

However, when Swain, 55, arrived he was instead met by police and arrested.

Southampton Magistrates’ Court heard how Swain had started talking to who he thought was a 13-year-old girl on social media. The ‘girl’ was a police officer.

During the conversation, the officer told Swain she was 13 but he still suggested they meet.

Swain later left his home on October 25 and collected food items on his way to Southampton after suggesting he take the ‘girl’ back to his house. The food was found in the car when he was arrested.

Swain was interviewed and accepted that he had previous conversations with girls aged 14 and 16.

Appearing at court, Swain, of Willowmead Close, Woking, admitted meeting or communicating with a girl under the age of 16.

The court heard how in previous attempts to meet with girls, Swain invited them to take part in lingerie photoshoots.

Swain has since been blacklisted by the FA. 

Magistrates ruled there is a risk he will re-offend and Swain was remanded in custody. He is next due to appear at Southampton Crown Court for sentencing on November 17.

Surrey FA declined to comment when contacted by the News & Mail. Goldsworth Park Rangers were also contacted for comment but have not responded.