WOMEN who are in an outdoor fitness group in Woking are taking part in their own version of a gruelling obstacle race after the main event was postponed for a year.
Members of the Squat2Fit group were ready to compete in the Tough Mudder Challenge in September, but the event has been rescheduled for September 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kim Valente, who runs the group, said the women had kept up their fitness through the lockdown and social distancing restrictions and have also raised £1,100 for Shooting Star Children’s Hospices.
“A year is a long time to wait and the money has to be released to the charity this year. It is also in so much need of funds,” Kim said.
She has organised a local version of the Tough Mudder Challenge in Woking Park on Sunday 26 July starting at 8am and is calling it an “obstacle fun run”.
The 5km course will include mini hurdles, a 20m army crawl, a 200m sprint and a spider web climbing frame.

“We will adhere to the 2m social distancing guidelines and people are very welcome to come along and support us, provided that they are in household groups and social distance from other people,” Kim said.
The Woking women, including Kim, who is also a medal-winning masters athlete, were originally due to take part in the 5k-13 obstacles Tough Mudder Challenge in London in May. That was postponed to September and has now been moved again.
They have already more than doubled their fundraising target for the hospice charity.
Kim said: “We chose Shooting Star Children’s Hospices as our charity because of the amazing work they do in caring for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions.
“We will be meeting at the bandstand and will be wearing blue Shooting Star T-shirts, so anyone wanting to come along and support us should easily find us.” Donations to the fundraising can be made at https://www.justgiving.com/team/Squat2Fit-Mums.