A YOUNG Knaphill resident has suggested an “eco message” in a bottle, as a way to tackle the environmental dangers of discarded plastics.

Bonnie, 10, a pupil at The Hermitage School, thinks making eco brick bottles can also help keep kids busy during the holidays: “Calling all kids – don’t get bored in the school holiday. Help save the planet from plastic waste and have fun at the same time by making eco-brick bottles.”

An eco-brick is a plastic bottle filled with the types of plastic that can’t be recycled, such as crisp packets, plastic straws and cutlery, vegetable packaging and food containers.

“Get a litre bottle and make sure it is dry inside. Fold, cut or crush your collection of non-recyclable stuff into tiny pieces. ‘Post’ the bits into the bottle,” explained Bonnie.

“Now find a strong stick and push it down as far as you can. Since the bottle will be laid on its side so that you can see the bottom, make sure the bottom is colourful. Keep pushing the stuff down with the stick until it is tightly packed.

“When you have made a collection of bottle bricks, they can be stuck together to make loads of things depending on how many ‘bricks’ you make. In some places they have had enough bottle bricks to make furniture and sheds!” said Bonnie

“Help save our future; help save our planet. Do something useful. You will love making them and it will stop you saying ‘I’m bored’ in the holidays. Each filled bottle will remind you what could have polluted the ocean or damaged wildlife.”