PRIMARY school pupil Jacob Tang is continuing his mission to raise money for a wildlife charity, aiming to beat the total he collected last year.

Eight-year-old Jacob is again running a lemonade and cakes stall outside his parents’ fish and chip shop in Knaphill.

A year ago, he raised more than £700 for the Woking-based WWF charity with his fundraising enterprises and now wants to do much better than that.

He will also sell bird feeders and bug hotels and run games and quizzes this Saturday morning, 9 July.

Jacob is a pupil at St Hugh of Lincoln Primary School in Knaphill, where is known as a wildlife expert. Schoolfriends, who have taken in bugs and other small creatures for him to identify, will be helping him on the stall.

“We have increased the publicity this year, with posters being put up in other local schools and churches,” said his mum, Soo Liew. “We are hoping a lot more people will come along and buy the refreshments and take part in the games.

“Apart from raising money for WWF, the whole point is to raise awareness of what we can do as individuals to help the planet. We will be also spreading the word about the work of WWF and the risks to wildlife around the world.”

Jacob’s stall will be set up outside Knaphill Fish Bar in High Street from 10am to noon.

Last year, Jacob added to his stall proceeds by rattling a WWF collection box in front of chip shop customers. He has used the same tactic over the last year and is hoping for a worthwhile amount in the box when its contents are counted on the day of the sale.