THE centre of British government echoed to the Gordon’s School pipes and drums as they led pupils on an annual march in honour of a national hero.

Traffic was halted as the musicians and around 250 students followed Whitehall from King Charles Street, past The Cenotaph and Horse Guards, to the Victoria Embankment Gardens, on Saturday 18 January.

There, they took part in a memorial service by the statue of General Charles George Gordon on the banks of the River Thames.

The West End school – the national monument to General Gordon, set up at the instigation of Queen Victoria – is the only school in the country permitted to march along Whitehall.

Headteacher Andrew Moss commented: “As always, we were honoured to be able to uphold our tradition, which is a much-anticipated event for the whole school.

“Once again, our students represented Gordon’s School to the highest standard, of which General Gordon himself would have been proud.

“Our thanks go to the City of Westminster for allowing us to continue our tradition, to staff and students for their commitment and dedication and to all the parents who helped organise travel and marshal the event.”

For the full story get the 30 January edition of the News & Mail