DOES anyone recall the bombs that fell on the Woking area during the Second World War? If so, do you have stories or photographs passed down from your family?

Surrey History Centre in Woking has begun mapping all the bombs and aircraft crashes in Surrey during the war. The project is starting with Woking, and it has already compiled a detailed history of the bombs, aircraft, V1s and V2s, and anything else which “fell out of the sky” between 1939 and 1945.

Four incidents are of specific interest and you may be able to help the centre if you have any recollections of them and, in particular, photographs of the aftermath.

The incidents are: A string of bombs west-east across Woking town centre on the evening of 1 October 1940. This caused a lot of damage and John Bright’s menswear shop in Chertsey Road was destroyed. Woolworths, next to it, was badly damaged.

A large mine burst over Woking railway station on the evening of 26 October 1940. This caused a lot of damage to buildings in the town centre.

A long string of bombs fell southwards from York Road on the evening of 5 November 1940. Again, a lot of damage, including to two churches, but few casualties.

Finally, a V2 rocket burst in the air over St John’s on the night of 2 October 1944. This probably caused little damage but the authorities would have wanted all the parts of the rocket recovered for analysis. Do you remember the army collecting the rocket parts in St John’s?

If you know anything of these incidents, or any other bomb or aircraft incidents during the war, SHC volunteer Martin Stilwell would be very interested to hear from you.

If you can help, call Martin on 07484 789436, or email him at [email protected].