TASTE of Autumn returns to RHS Garden Wisley tomorrow, running from Wednesday 13 to Sunday 17 October, with spectacular autumn displays, an abundance of seasonal produce to enjoy, and, for the first time, cookery demonstrations.
The garden will be awash with colour, featuring autumn displays crafted by Wisley curators. Highlights include the impressive hordes of gourds underneath the cherry trees, providing a patchwork quilt of autumnal tones.
Visitors can admire Wisley’s own delicious produce, plus sample a wide selection of local treats from 30 artisan food and drink stands – from cheese and chocolate to spirits and sweets.

A returning festival highlight is the popular apple identification, which invites gardeners to present their own apples to the Wisley fruit specialist for identification.
The RHS Edibles team will also be on hand to offer expert advice and tours of the World Food Garden and orchards every day at 10.30am.
Admission to Taste of Autumn is free to RHS members and normal garden admission applies to non-members. Advance booking is essential for the 2.30pm talks and cookery demonstrations.
For further information, including how to book, visit www.rhs.org.uk/wisley.