A SPONSORED walker who covered the distance between The Cenotaph in London and Dunkirk in France has raised more than £3,000 for the Poppy Appeal.

Cathy Corner strolled a total of 133 miles from Bisley to West End and back over 14 days, collecting three times her targeted amount.

She was joined on each day by friends and neighbours as she carried a poppy wreath between the war memorials in the two villages.

“Lots of people asked to join me and I had what I called my beepers and wavers club, those who honked their car horns and waved when they saw me,” said Cathy.

“I had a different person with me every day and they helped keep me going. A lot of people got involved when they found out what was going on.”

Cathy, who lives in Bisley, was aiming to raise at least £1,000 for the Royal British Legion (RBL) appeal. So far, the total is £3,123 from online JustGiving donations, money from collection tins and Gift Aid.

She set out on Saturday 10 April and was greeted by RBL representatives including standard bearer Norman Holden as she completed the 133 miles last Saturday. She walked 12 miles a day for the first four days and then nine miles a day on the three-mile round trip.

“It was freezing on the first couple of days, then it snowed on the first Monday and it was hot sun for the last few days, when my neck got sunburnt,” she said. “My feet and legs were OK, but I did suffer from a sore throat and runny eyes because of the traffic fumes and pollen in the air.”

Cathy was inspired to raise money for the Poppy Appeal after talking to a man who was admiring the poppy display she set up on her front lawn for Remembrance Day last year. His father was rescued during the Dunkirk evacuation during the Second World War, but his uncle was killed.

“I wanted to find a way to help publicise all the brave young people that gave their lives,” said Cathy, who also wanted to help make up for the Poppy Appeal’s reduced income due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Cathy was presented with flowers and a large box of chocolates by RBL representatives including Bisley, Knaphill and West End branch chairman John Kingsbury on completing her trek.

“Cathy’s determination and commitment in completing this remarkable charity walk was quite outstanding and very well supported by local residents,” said Mr Kingsbury. “The money she raised for the Poppy Appeal is extremely welcome in what has been a difficult year for fundraising. Thank you, Cathy, from all of us.”

Contributions to Cathy’s fund can still be made at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cathy-corner

* MR Kingsbury said new members are welcome at the RBL branch, where no military service or background is required. For more information, call him on 07967-723999 or email [email protected].